
Showing posts from July, 2017

Kundalini and Sexuality – Is Sexuality a Part of Spiritual Journey?

This is a very interesting topic for discussion. Since ages “SEX” has always been  considered as a  “TABOO”. Even though this is one of the most integral part of human existence, yet our elders and society as a whole, shy away from speaking openly about this phase of our life. The ironical part is that  “Everybody is running behind sex but nobody wants to talk about it”. I fail to understand why everyone treats this divine energy as a Taboo. This energy is so divine and powerful, that with its explosion, a soul manifests into the physical realm. So, if it has the power to create such a beautiful life, then how can it be a Taboo? Since ages, Yogi’s and sages are working on these energies and they have realised and accepted the fact that if this energy is handled properly, it can produce amazing results. Moreover, our body is a combination of Masculine and Feminine energy and “Feminine energy” is considered as the “Sexual energy”. This feminine energy is the real and complete v

“Brahmnaad – Sound of the Universe”

The essence of the universe is energy, frequency and vibrations. The Vedas  state that the making of the infinite Spirit (Shiva) was through a reverberating sound energy of the consciousness called the Naad. This sound was “unstruck”,  which means that it was produced without any two things striking against one  another,  that is,  without friction. Another legend advocates that  years after the Big Bang, the universe started singing when Shiva played his damru (drum)  the first time. Vast sound waves expanded through the primitive cosmos, and the tremors which arose then, can still be felt today. Naad or cosmic sound has also been described in the Bible, wherein, according to St. John, “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God”. Buddhism has its own version of  ‘Naad’ as ‘a flaming sound’ and  in Islam it is ‘a Kalma’. In order to understand the importance of Naad, the best way is to look closely at ourselves.  As we breathe, the vital win

Vigyaan Bhairav Tantra!

Shaivism The veneration of Lord Shiva is called Shaivism; Shiva means auspicious, gracious, kind and friendly, more generally, the auspicious one. He is worshipped across Hinduism that originated in India, Nepal and Sri Lanka. Shaivism, like all other traditions has different schools of thought that have their own interpretations, explanations, theories and Philosophies; they also have very large volumes of texts emanating from all the schools and their traditional perspectives. The prominent source of recognition of a follower of Shaivism is the sacred Ash or Vibhooti that is smeared on their forehead. Among these multiple schools of Shaivism, is a most renowned school called Trika  that falls under the general nomenclature of Kashmir Shaivism;  the most remarkable and potent text of this school is the “Vigyan Bhairav Tantra” also called the Vijñāna Bhairava Tantra. Vigyaan Bhairava Tantra Whenever meditation is the subject, it is taken for granted that the Vigyaan Bh