Relationship Harmonization through Healings!

Amongst the many sources of joy and happiness in life are the relationships that we have with the loved ones around us; these relationships, physical and spiritual go a long way in providing happiness, joy and fulfillment to us by sharing their positive influence with us.

So also, it is an established fact that the people around you certainly have an impact on you and your inner self because of the influences which they carry in their life forces. The compatibility of our life forces is known to have a great positive impact on our relationship and our mutual compatibility.

A healthy relationship goes a long way in providing us peace, comfort, contentment, joy and fulfillment. Thus, it will be seen that the charm and joy in our lives is directly attributable to the presence of healthy relationships with those we love, romantic or otherwise.

But, things do not remain the same leading to and a lot of imbalances result from estrangement or separation from our loved ones. The energies flowing through our being get imbalanced. The reasons may be one or many but they create untold tension and stress in a normal person. These days number of relationship issues has increased significantly and one of the major reasons behind all this is Stress. Almost everybody is overburdened and running pillar to post to settle their lives financially but in this race most of us forget that love, compassion and a healthy family relationship is the main stream of an individual life. If this area is right than rest of the things will automatically start falling in place. Another reason for relationship issue is Anger, expectations, frustration etc and this is when alternative healing modalities are necessitated.

Reiki is an unfailing and effective power that helps in developing, nurturing and maintaining relationships with the warmth and commitment that we desire. What we need to know that each relationship is a living creation in that it is responsible for the proper flow and exchange of favorable energies between two people. Once this is realized, it permits us to detach ourselves emotionally and guide healing energy to heal the relationship.

Reiki Healing envisages the use of powerful healing symbols which provide you their support in achieving the closeness which you desire.

    The first step is to identify the reason behind the gaps. 

    1. Purify your energies through Reiki symbol.

    2.Establish a connection with your loved one through Reiki symbol or through energy cord.

    3.Send some love energies which you may see with your inner eye,

    4. Feel and see the past images and emotions of your relations and say the affirmations “ I forgive myself and I forgive <name of your loved one>

     5. Repeat the affirmations 3 times.

    6.Cover yourself and your loved one in a pink color heart and feel that both of you are surrounded by the energy of love, compassion, understanding and trust.

    7. Feel the healing energies for 5 minutes, open your eyes, cut your energy cords, give thanks to the universe and all healing masters and guru mandla.

Another beautiful way of healing emotional Imbalancing is Magnified Healing®. In keeping with the attainment of higher spiritual consciousness and light we have come across a form of healing which envisages the channelizing of and maintaining a constant flow of benign energy through the multitude of spiritual powerhouses to the core of the earth.  This connection when established with the Supreme Being causes a massive upsurge of potent energy through your entire being enabling your whole being to reach a state of upgrade.

Goddess of Magnified healing® is Mother Kwan Yin and she is the mother of mercy, compassion, love and forgiveness. Her energies are beautiful and very soothing also. In Magnified healing® the breath and energy are channelized throughout your being, clears your chakras, strengthens your nerves and engulfs your inner core with sublime light. You are ready for ascending to the next higher level. Magnified healing® provides warmth and a glow; the healing processes are speeded up and negative influences, patterns and phases are eliminated.

Magnified Healing® requires a slightly higher knowledge and familiarity with concepts like Chakras, Violet fire, Three-fold flame and other higher subjects like ascension.

It happens to differ slightly from Reiki since the subject undergoing the healing is also an active participant while magnified healing® heals him naturally. All misplaced energies are eradicated.

Its main objectives are:

   1. Sensitizing, Re-writing, awakening and re0connecting the Nervous system,

       2.  Removing and readjusting the calcium on the spinal cord,

    3. Scanning and healing the body and mind by balancing the Chakras,

      4. Rectifying the Karma and

      5. Empower and activate the complete DNA strands.

The benefits of Magnified Healing® can be availed by all healthy people; it helps you maintain the equilibrium of your mind, body and spirit. Also, those diagnosed with some ailment or suffering from ill health or stress related problems can be healed.

The release of positive energy is refreshing and it unblocks emotional blockages. It cannot replace your inner strengths nor does it diagnose or prescribe. It may not be used by itself; it is sometimes combined with conventional treatments to enhance the benefit to the patient.

Apart from Reiki and Magnified Healing® there are other ways also like Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Angel Healing and Karuna Reiki etc, through which one can easily heal emotional wounds. It’s always better to look for the solutions rather than shutting down the relationships.

Love is like a river, flowing between you and me”


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