Alternative and Complementary medicines.
has, since the onset of time, been obsessed with his well-being and that of his
kind; in so doing, a bevy of treatments and cures were developed but all were
not very popular.
the millennia, while all medical streams and beliefs developed, the organized
medical community reached certain conclusions and definitions pertaining to its
profession by compartmentalization of medicines into:
1. Conventional medicine:
That which is backed by proper scientific studies and inferences recorded and
proved as per the laws of medicine and showing specific healing effects and not
contradicted by facts; e.g Allopathic medicine,
Alternative medicine: is
any healthcare stream which is not logically proved by adoption of established
scientific experimentation, differs from biomedicine, or is capable of being
refuted, disproved or contradicted through scientific methods; examples are
Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Reiki, Alternative Healing modalities, Acupressure,
Acupuncture, Aroma therapy etc
medicine is another type of alternative
medicine that may be safely used along with medicines belonging to some other
stream of treatment, including the conventional medicines. They are used as a
support system to the mainstream conventional course,
Integrative medicine (or integrative health) When a
patient is undergoing treatment with medicines of the conventional medical
practice, is also prescribed or allowed to consume medicines drawn from any
other stream of medicine, it results in a process name integrated medicine. This course of action would depend largely on
the attitude, knowledge AND his attitude and approach of the doctor to
alternative remedies.
A vast amount of time and money has been expended by the
practitioners and supporters of alternative approaches to understand the real
reason behind the reoccurring disease.
the initial days of Alternative therapies due to their inability to
authenticate their procedures and medicines continue to attract such sobriquets
and are dismissed since some of them are based on religion, its superstitions
and some objectionable actions and approaches in their practice. Now in the
modern era, Infact science has also acknowledged the positive impact of these
alternative therapies and some hospitals has a separate department to treat
patients through these healing, alternative therapies.
Some of the main stream
alternative therapies are
Ayurveda is an ancient form of medicine that is the
culmination of the ancient studies and works of sages in India; it is popularly
practiced for thousands of years and is now an established and a very effective
form of alternative medicine in the western countries too. Its advantage stems
from the absence of side effects since it uses herbs, specialized diets, massage,
balms and concoctions to benefit body, mind, and spirit.
Homeopath is another novel, and much practiced,
and advocated the theory of “fighting fire with fire” to induce a favorable
reaction when the cause of the ailment is enhanced; this concept has also been
prevalent in the conventional method of medicine.
Its treatment envisages the administration of minute amounts of
medication to stimulate the natural systems of the body; the medication is
highly diluted and given after conducting a thorough examination of the
symptoms; its efficacy is established and well-known.
Reiki is actually energy-healing which believes
life to originate in plants and animals on a life energy force that activates
life by its presence; its absence causes death. The vital systems are treated
by channelizing the flow of energy to restore the balance of the mind, body and
It can be performed over a long distance or by touch. It is very
effective in case of Depression, anxiety, fear, arthritis, body pains,
emotional Imbalancing etc.
immediately conjures up a vision of needles, it actually envisages the titillation
of the nerve endings through a series of pricks at specific points of your;
there may be other ways to stimulate your nerves but the needles are the main
It has
been found to provide miraculous relief from such ailments like chronic pain
and some mental problems.
Acupressure is a close cousin of acupuncture with
pressure being used to titillate the nerve ends or pressure points; the tools
used are fingers, hands, and other tools to apply pressure at selected pressure
points to manipulate and set right Qui or Chi, the life energy. It seeks to
restore the balance of the mind and body by unblocking meridians to allow free
flow of positive energy. It is found effective in reducing nausea in
chemotherapy patients and in anxiety disorders in pre-surgical cases.
All these
alternative medicines and healing modalities are completely safe, without any
side effect and effective also.
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