Kundalini and Sexuality – Is Sexuality a Part of Spiritual Journey?

This is a very interesting topic for discussion. Since ages “SEX” has always been  considered as a  “TABOO”. Even though this is one of the most integral part of human existence, yet our elders and society as a whole, shy away from speaking openly about this phase of our life. The ironical part is that  “Everybody is running behind sex but nobody wants to talk about it”. I fail to understand why everyone treats this divine energy as a Taboo. This energy is so divine and powerful, that with its explosion, a soul manifests into the physical realm. So, if it has the power to create such a beautiful life, then how can it be a Taboo?

Since ages, Yogi’s and sages are working on these energies and they have realised and accepted the fact that if this energy is handled properly, it can produce amazing results. Moreover, our body is a combination of Masculine and Feminine energy and “Feminine energy” is considered as the “Sexual energy”. This feminine energy is the real and complete version of “Lord Shiva”, so “it means that this sexual energy is Shiva only and He cannot be a Taboo”.

“Kundalini” is all about “Sexuality”. Whenever we are in an intimate relationship with our partner/soulmate/twin flame/spiritual partner, our Kundalini becomes active and volatile and at the peak of  our arousal, if any one of the partner knows about “Kundalini Tantra”, then he / she can manifest anything in this universe. Because, it is during the intimate act of love making that goddess takes her powerful form, which has the capacity to manifest anything. “Kundalini is the shakti/power that helps us in our spiritual journey”. The power of this energy transforms mere biological  primitive insticts into the highest form of liberation and helps every soul to transcend.

So many couples have experienced a complete awakening and rising of their Kundalini Shakti during these intimate moments only. “Yes, sexuality is definitely a part of our spiritual growth”; this is a part and parcel of every existent active life – humans, animals or birds; nobody can survive and grow without this energy. It is really important to satisfy / channelize this divine energy. This energy gives us experiences of some blissful moments in our life. But generally, instead of channelizing this energy for our spiritual progress,  we tend to suppress it and this creates a lot of emotional, mental and physical disorders.

Kundalini resides at the Mooladhar / Root chakra, located at the base of the spine  and when it starts rising, it first encounters the Sacral chakra,  which is the Sexual centre of our energy and physical system. So if Kundalini has to rise, it has to pass through this gateway.

For the understanding of those people who are not so spiritually inclined, Kundalini awakening through sexuality may be termed as a very scientific phenomenon.  Apart from the bones present in our body, our brain and semen contain maximum amount of phosphorous, which is one of the most critical  chemical  required to become “Enlightened” or “Kundalini awakening”. During the intimacy moments of making love, which acts as one of the most powerful stimulant of the nervous system, this chemical energy rises up the spine through the central nervous systems (also referred to as Kundalini) into our brains. The phosphorous rich energy, when healthily distributed into the bloodstream, helps us in awakening all our senses and this can be very electrifying.

People often justify their notions for considering sexual energy as a Taboo or that the energy needs to be controlled as the general belief that follows is that  a person could easily deviate  from his/ her spiritual path for it takes a form of lust and hence the desire for it to be controlled.

As far as I understand, this principle is applicable in every case, for example  if we do not handle money in a correct way,  a person may easily fall prey to  gambling,  drugs, alcohol etc. as , “Money is also an energy”; If we do not handle success in a correct manner,  a person may easily become over-confident and egoistic, “Success is also an energy”, so the principle of proper channeling and controlling is applicable to everything.

Then why should we treat only sexuality as a Taboo? If handled properly, why only Sexuality alone, even Money and Success can elevate us in enhancing our spiritual journey. Everything is, after all in our mind. It’s the mind projection at play.


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