
Showing posts from February, 2016

Kundalini.........Dormant power waiting to be unleashed.

My interest on spirituality grows fonder each passing day. It seems that my inner soul is hungry of knowing what lies beneath that our bare eyes can’t see. I have this feeling that my journey in uncovering the true meaning of Shakti is not as far as what I needed to know. Shakti, which somehow has a connection with me that seems like a feeling of déjà vu . I have decided to research more about Shakti. I was so fascinated by this and can’t resist on knowing how will this endure and improve my knowledge and interest on spirituality. And I was not betrayed by my gut. I have uncovered another reality about Shakti. Each human has what they call Kundalini. Kundalini Shakti is the ultimate power that resides in the human body. It is the feminine power that unites with its masculine companion, Lord Shiva. It is the untouched power that each human possesses. It’s like a flower that needs to be nurtured to achieve and expose its real beauty. The word kundalini refers to the s...

Crystals.... To enhance vibrational frequency!

Crystals are natural stones which are formed under earth. Crystals are the earth’s DNA, a chemical imprint for evolution. They are miniature storehouses, containing the records of the development of the earth over millions of years. These crystals are of different kind and every crystal possesses some unique and powerful qualities. Crystals vibrates at a very higher frequency and it is said that on an average a crystal vibrates 6,10,000 times in one minute, due to this unique property crystals are used in healings, for manifesting things, for creating a protection shield and so on. A set pattern or a particular intention needs to be infused in crystal through charging process or through meditation or healings, and then the crystal starts emitting the energy of that command, which starts attracting things in our life. Many people like to have a “crystal day” when they cleanse their crystals and then meditate with them to attune more strongly to their energy. Doing this r...

Alternative and Complementary medicines.

Man has, since the onset of time, been obsessed with his well-being and that of his kind; in so doing, a bevy of treatments and cures were developed but all were not very popular. Over the millennia, while all medical streams and beliefs developed, the organized medical community reached certain conclusions and definitions pertaining to its profession by compartmentalization of medicines into: 1.       Conventional medicine : That which is backed by proper scientific studies and inferences recorded and proved as per the laws of medicine and showing specific healing effects and not contradicted by facts; e.g Allopathic medicine, 2.       Alternative medicine: is any healthcare stream which is not logically proved by adoption of established scientific experimentation, differs from biomedicine, or is capable of being refuted, disproved or contradicted through scientific methods; examples are Ayurveda, H...