The Amazing Power of Gratitude!

Gratitude is the enjoyment of life in the true sense because it shows the positive feelings you have towards others and for the graciousness of all those people around you who have been responsible to make you what you are, make your conditions what they are and who lead you to the realization of the supreme truth of your life, your existence and your sense of fulfillment. It also reveals the trend of your life which, for all of us, is full of good things and bad but the moment you speak of gratitude, it denotes that there is a majority of good things that you may consider yourself lucky and grateful for. That things are not going contrary to what one would aspire for. There are bound to be ups and downs in anyone’s life but sometimes, when some plus points emerge from certain unpleasant, even terrifying situations, you may express gratitude for reasons of being in a better situation than the others in a relative sense. The feeling of gratitude is a va...