Kundalini and Sexuality – Is Sexuality a Part of Spiritual Journey?

This is a very interesting topic for discussion. Since ages “SEX” has always been considered as a “TABOO”. Even though this is one of the most integral part of human existence, yet our elders and society as a whole, shy away from speaking openly about this phase of our life. The ironical part is that “Everybody is running behind sex but nobody wants to talk about it”. I fail to understand why everyone treats this divine energy as a Taboo. This energy is so divine and powerful, that with its explosion, a soul manifests into the physical realm. So, if it has the power to create such a beautiful life, then how can it be a Taboo? Since ages, Yogi’s and sages are working on these energies and they have realised and accepted the fact that if this energy is handled properly, it can produce amazing results. Moreover, our body is a combination of Masculine and Feminine energy and “Feminine energy” is considered as the “Sexual energy”. This feminine energy is the real ...