Invincible Hanuman!
Hanuman was one of the most enigmatic personalities of Hindu mythology; he was powerful beyond estimate and his enormous powers and his innocence can be estimated from the fact that, as a child he mistook the Sun to be a mango and wanted to eat it; Rahu was nearby trying to create a solar eclipse. Hanuman just brushed him aside with his might and swallowed the Sun whereupon Rahu complained to Indra, the lord of all deities, that Hanuman had prevented him from creating an eclipse; the enraged Indra threw a Vajra (thunderbolt) which disfigured his jaw and sent Hanuman into a coma and he fell down to Earth. This is the reason for his disfigured visage and for his name. Why was he invincible? This did not go well with Vayu, the wind god who had a hand in the birth of Hanuman and is referred to as his father; Vayu sucked in all the wind from the atmosphere and created a massive vacuum whereupon there was pandemonium all around because there was no air to ...