
Showing posts from 2016

Aghori Practices! The King of True Powers

Who are Aghoris? Most of us have heard of Aghoris and the common knowledge that is prevailing is that they are tantric practitioners who perform very strange rituals that shock the normal people who are horrified when they hear some of the tantric practices that involve corpses, dead bodies, feces, burial grounds, sexual intercourse with dead bodies and cannibalism. However, since they deal with spirits and indulge in some grisly acts, they are also highly feared while they also arouse deep curiosity in common people with varying reactions from all the people who learn of these practices. The routines are religious in nature but the rituals are far from normal religious practices; they are a bit on the unbelievable side due to the mystique surrounding them. In short, the Aghori sadhus are associated with weird grisly and even disgusting rituals that may involve decayed fecal matter, indulging in the sex act with decayed and burnt corpses, cannibalizing the corpses eve...

What is the importance of Venus in Astrology?

Venus is devoted to the positive task of merging and uniting different forces, feelings and entities to ensure the completeness of things to create harmony and restore stability. It is Venus that causes the creation of love for others and for the beautiful feelings and things, cooperation, relating to others. Since Venus denotes love and affection it symbolizes all the qualities that are connected to these emotions and reactions in a native: Personal magnetism, Love and romance, Beauty and sex, Dance and other forms of recreations, Wealth and knowledge, Relationships, Social urges, Artistic acumen, Creativity, Attraction, High moral values, Sensuality and lust, Bonding energy, Love for money, Merger of hearts and souls However, in the physical body, Venus rules: The Urinary Tract, The Kidneys, The venous system and the blood, The Larynx, The throat, and The general physical appeal and sexual magnetism. As for physically observing Venus, It is ...

Jupiter, The King of Gods!

It gains its prominence and status from it being the largest of all the planets in the Solar System; this is also borne by its astrological significance. Jupiter symbolizes an expansive tendency in both the spiritual and physical aspects: Mind and wisdom:  It expands the knowledge of the native to high levels of the philosophy and super conscious realms and also Vedic astrology, Physical horizons:  The expansion in this case is achieved through gaining weight or having a large build and through undertaking long journeys and gaining knowledge. Jupiter in astrology  Due to its optimistic and generous disposition, it has been equated to a Santa Claus of the Cosmos but when it is in the  hard aspects  it can easily make you: Exhibitionist or a showoff, Extravagant, Boastful and conceited. Hard aspects  The hard aspects of Jupiter can be related to: The Sun, The Moon, Mars, Venus, or When in the hard aspects Jupiter creates: Conf...

Mercury! The Planet of Personality and Consciousness

Mercury is the planet that is closest to the Sun. Its symbol represents all the three symbols that are used in astrology, The cross manifestation of the Earth, The circle of spirit, and The uplifted crescent depicting an elevated personality. Characteristics It is neither a feminine planet nor a masculine one and has the habit of reflecting everything that it comes across; that is why it is said that it is Silver. The amount and complexity of your consciousness is directly proportional to the number of aspects that you have with mercury; the more the aspects, the higher will be your personality and consciousness. The closest aspect is of vital importance since it is the need of reflective mind to have more aspects to be able to expand. The attention of the native remains focused depending on the positioning of the houses. It is the receiver of messages from god to human beings while also serving as the internal link that communicates between our personality...

Mars! Masculine Planet in Astrology

It is stated that Venus and Mars display qualities that are diagonally opposite to each other but the similarities between them are too many and too identical to ignore; in fact, scientists conducting high level of research into the history, atmosphere and evolution of Mars and Venus call them  identical twins. The observation of the atmospheres of both Mars and Venus exposes the fact that the atmospheres of these planets are being eroded and stripped away into space. This also gives rise to the belief that mars might have supported life somewhere in the past.   C haracteristics Mars is  the red planet  and these are the attributes of a masculine planet in all his fury; it symbolizes confidence and courage. For the choice of an occupation, Mars represents the martial nature of the native and it is connected to The Armed Forces, Paramilitary Forces, Builders and Engineers. Militancy and Marketing are also under the influence of Mars. A short tempered and...

Moon! The Planet of Love

The Yin and Yang principle holds true for the solar system and the universe in general; for all negative or derogatory entities, there is also the existence of a counter; that is the law of balancing that holds sway in this universe. The Sun is the life-giving divine spark that ignites the matter for the creating of life but that too requires a Yin for its Yang – a counter to its act of creation. That role is taken over by the Moon that complements the creation of life by nurturing and nursing the life that grows. The Planet of Love The moon is the loving receptacle that receives the offerings of the basic spark that is the matter of which all beings are composed. That is the reason why the Moon is always exalted in Taurus, the reasoning being that Taurus is the zodiac sign for material, substances, receptive nature and even the season of spring since that is the season for producing seeds and flowering and blooming life. Since the Moon represents motherly affection and...