
Showing posts from August, 2015


  Think of a word which will immediately shift your vibrations from one level to another level and after saying those magical words, you start getting the things in your life whether it’s a balanced relationship, finances, health, prosperity, Soulmate etc. These magical words are known as “Switchwords” . These are the energy shifter words created by James Mangan in the 1960’s. They are one-word Affirmations to reach a certain state of being in your life, in order to attract the thing you desire. Mangan explains that there are certain words that can be used with intention to get more of what we want. These switchwords activates the part of your subconscious mind, which generates the major vibrations. With the help of these energy words you can attract anything in your life. These words get the energies when we meditate or chant these words. Mangan has spent almost 45 years to generate and energise these switchwords, though you can also create your own switchwo...